Thursday, December 11, 2003


Finally, I finished my English 518 paper, but without a problem. I don't feel that it is a good piece of writing. I should have done it better. Again, I don't know what is going with my mind. It seems to refuse to cooperate. All stuck in the mud of uncertainty....

Anyway, it's done, alright!

And this evening, in the cold snowy temperature of -12 degree (Celcius...always in celcius you Americans! like the rest of the world...) I went home with 11.51 PM bus, the last blue route bus. I had to attend the very last 518 class from 6-9 and I had to finish 511 research paper with Monica *as we did it as a team, although the idea was MINE, it was MINE* because it is due tomorrow. Finally, there is only one thing left to finish: the Web-Based Teaching Unit for 510.

Oh, forgot to mention what classes I am taking this semester. I am taking three classes, i.e. English 518 is a TESL teaching methods class with Prof. John Levis, English 511 is a class of introduction to linguistics with Prof. Dan Douglas, and English 510 is Computer-Assisted Language Learning Class with Prof. Volker Hegelheimer.

OK, gotta sleep now...if not I might catch a cold...