Sunday, November 07, 2004

My son is so cute!

Yes, you can sense that I'm always a proud mother of my son Jalu! :P

We chatted last night for an hour through webcam and he's so cuteeeeee....He showed me that he knows how to count with his fingers. Smart kid! And he continually said "yes, Ibu *Ibu means Mom*" just like an adult hanging on to conversation. And he showed his favorite face, grinning. Hihihihihi...I love you, Jalu!

This morning, when I called again, he told me "Ibu, I saw you on the computer earlier!" was awesome feeling that he remembered me. Then he gave the phone to his dad, saying "Ayah, it's Ibu on the phone." He's surely growing up before my eyes.

I miss him terribly!!!!!