A bestfriend confided me with his problem of this girl that he loves. And during our phone conversation, I popped another insight to what being an adult is about.
It's about choices.
One of the many differences of being an adult vs. being a kid is that in many situations I have to choose between following my heart or following my brain. Or compromizing.
Being a kid enables me to follow my heart completely, blindly, deafly, jumping into whatever comes, as long as my desire is fulfilled. There is no second thought, even first thought. As long as my heart is happy.
But, as happened in the last three weeks, as soon as my heart started to control my decision making, my brain started nagging at the back of my head, bombarding me with countless considerations and possible consequences.
And I was stuck.
It came the third option: compromizing. It took a lot of efforts, a lot of pains, a lot of tears, a lot of arguments, but it worked. I can say that today I'm feeling much better compared to last week (Thank you, Love, your countless efforts and understanding are priceless).
I'm trying constantly to make my wise moves and choices as an adult, but I guarantee that it will not be an easy path to travel....