Saturday, February 05, 2005

The difficulty of writing a darn thesis proposal

By day four, my influenza receded...ffhhhuuiiiiii.....

But still. Doc's order: a week in a prisoner a.k.a. my apartment.

So, I tried to work on my thesis proposal. Diligently. Until I found a thesis by previous student. Similar topic. Similar thesis questions. Similar approach. And, I'm freaking out! Shoot! What if, what if, what ego said, I wanted to be different; my brain said, stop acting foolish coz you have no time!

Talked to my roommate. To Tyas. To Yudi. To Anne. For three days, I felt like a stupid moron. Totally punk'd! Finally, yesterday, my ego was cooling down. I must comply that I cannot come up with a new topic in such a short time and replication of previous thesis *with different subjects and slight modifications* is alright (at least, according to Anne).

So, back to my thesis proposal. Finished it near midnight. Send it to my major professor and one of my committee member. Then, went to bed...

Whatever. It's done!