Oh well, a friend named Andi Kristanto Yuwono protested because I didn't mention his name elsewhere in this blogsite. Sorry, Ndi, no offense. Got no stories about you to tell my audience yet!
OK, a little bit about Andi. He's my cynical idealist friend back in Jakarta and we used to be in the Government Student Body back when I was in college. He is still cynical and idealist so far and he makes himself useful to the people of Indonesia by working in YSIK, a non-goverment organization who pours money to any other organizations in Indonesia that strive to make better the welfare of not-so-fortunate Indonesians. For that, I salute him! And one of those unfortunate Indonesians is me, and I benefit his organization *or should I say, put my pennies in their efforts* by being their non-official translator, translating their reports and documents to their donor organizations in Europe: Hivos, Novib and 11.11.11.
Through his organization, he helped me funding Jiffest Travelling Film Festival 2003 in UKSW. He believes film is a good means to understand human being better and the theme of the festival *which I suggested* seemed to please him: "I'm human. Are you humane?" The philosophy behind the theme is that although we are all human beings, with similarities and common struggle, there are people out there who don't treat other human beings as humane. Wars and ethnic conflicts are just two results of human beings treating other human beings inhumanely. The festival turned out to be a huge success with seven films watched by at least 100 audiences per film in three days. Everybody was having fun and so did we. And the legacy goes to 2004 Jiffest travelling again in Salatiga.
There, I've written something about you, Ndi. We're even!