Meeting my old friends in chatting and I found out a fact about me: I am men's bestfriend, always.
My old friend Adhi thinks I am his best buddy, even until now. I haven't communicated with him for ages, since graduating from senior high, and he still thinks so.
I remember Ruci, my classmate in high school and later in college, always shared his thoughts with me, things that even his girlfriend (now his wife) didn't know.
And Agus, my buddy from elementary school, always had the time to visit me back then *before he died of pneumonia, God blesses his soul* to tell me his dreams.
Willi, my keyboardist, in Kuala Kencana, called me almost everyday, talking about music and stuffs.
Agung and Dike, my bros back in Timika, shared the story of their lives, others will never know.
Mas Ary *my first love :D* visited me and shared his feelings about his girlfriend *broke my heart completely!*
Musbachurrochman, my movie buddy in college, walked almost two kilometres back and fro the cinema, talking about movies, girls, stuffs with me.
Donny Prabowo, my movie buddy in Ames, talking in msn messenger about movies, life..
And of course, Yudi, my beloved hubby. We started as buddies, and we remain buddies after we got married!