Darn! Tau gitu dari kemarin gw perhatiin dia, ya ampun... sorry ya Cip, gw yg mati-matian nolak elu sebagai brother gw, heheheh..abis gw gak tau sih! You're nice, sweet, know how to treat women well. Thank you yah udah perhatiin this old sister of yours selama dua minggu, walo gw gak nyadar *lg kolaps*. Ya deh, gw hadiahin puisi ajah yah...
You are
The person that
steals the secret
of my day
Came undetected
when things are all
cleared in the midst
you stood
Lesson of the day:
never waive a smile
never neglect a caressing
never let love passes by
World is full
of compassion
of passer-bys
and bless you
to be the center
of perfectly laid
Again, thank you!
Yes, I learned something from this game, I learned something more about people around me, people who I never get acquinted before. Sometimes you just don't pay attention to people who are close to you and you take them for granted. I learned that sometimes your initial judgement of people is quite wrong. You've got to take time to get to know them and sometimes your final finding can be quite contrary to the initial one!
I'm also glad that the event of valentine evening went well. We had discussion about love and relationship and I've got to talk as the keynote speaker for the forum. Everyone was having a good idea about what love and relationship is and the only job that I have to do is to put it in a wider perspective using their experience and mine. We had great fun figuring out and finding out who was our secret bro/sis *with lots of mistakes and surprising revelation*. We danced poco2 and had dinner at Perkins afterward. What a splendid valentine celebration!
Though I felt so sad because Yudi was not here with me, I feel that being so far away from your love one can be quite revealing sometimes. I talked about Yudi during the forum, re-visited and told the story of our love, and the conclusion is always the same: I'm lucky to have him, I'm blessed with his presence in my life, I'm glad that it is him who became my husband. Love is not entirely the base of our relationship anymore. Now we have reached the stage that we're partners in life, we're bestfriends, and the 5 years of our marriage is the proof of our commitment.
6 of Feb: Happy anniversary, Hon! I don't only love you, but I also admire you.