My traveling companion, Refina and Pipiet, were just nice. I have traveled at least twice with Pipiet and three times with Fina and they were memorable. Harry, Denny and Juve, they were just so patient in handling the girls' complaints. Rita, my beautiful and understanding host, what can I say? She was very generous and very loving in her gracious way, and I love her as my bestfriend even more. Chris, Rudy and Lukas, the three muskeeters of Savannah, cheered me up in my foul mood *due to the car problem* and showed me that there are smiles in every corner of the events, even the bad ones.
left to right: Rita, Lukas, Rudy, Chris, Neny, Refina, Pipiet (pic by Rudy)
Thank you, Gals and Guys. Although my New Year's Eve was not the best, was not the one I expected to have, but I felt thankful with a handful of friends like you all. And for all my friends all over the globe, thank you for being my friends and please continue to be my friends....