Today is the day before Christmas and I woke up at 6, cooking "oseng-oseng kacang panjang" for the Hertz Family Christmas. Done with that, I wrapped christmas gifts for Tom and Joyce.
At 10, Jana and Joyce picked us up to go to Nevada to Carl and Marjorie's farm to celebrate christmas with food and loads of Hertz family. We had wonderful lunch, talks, and baby sit the baby Grace. She's soooo cute and chubby. She's just 18 months old, reminded me so much of Jalu when he was her age!!!
I also went to their lake behind the house and do ice fun!
Then, we left at 5 PM to...another christmas dinner! This time was the Dickson's (Joyce's side of family) and it was full of laughter. Dave and Bonnie (Joyce's brother) announced their engangement! So great...we raised a toast for them!
Great..great...great food and company!